System error.

The following error message was returned:

Unknown column 'size' in 'order clause'

The query was:

select `user`,`attId`,`page`,`filename`,`filesize`,`filetype`,`hits`,`created`,`comment` from `tiki_wiki_attachments` where `page`=? order by `size` desc


  1. (B)ut this is blog maths and we're free to make up conventions as we go along: Polymath1 and the Modalities of Mathematics in the Open

The built query was likely:

select `user`,`attId`,`page`,`filename`,`filesize`,`filetype`,`hits`,`created`,`comment` from `tiki_wiki_attachments` where `page`='(B)ut this is blog maths and we\'re free to make up conventions as we go along: Polymath1 and the Modalities of Mathematics in the Open' order by `size` desc

Things to check:

  1. Is your database up and running?

  2. Is your database corrupt? Please see how to repair your database

  3. Are your database credentials (username, database name, etc) accurate?

  4. Did you complete the Tiki Installer?

Please see the documentation for more information.

TikiWiki CMS/Groupware